quote from youtube

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

aduuuhhh ngga tau deh. sebel banget sama diri sendiri kalo lagi ngga bisa fokus gini padahal ada tugas didepan mata yang memaksa untuk harus cepet diselesaikan. akhirnya malah youtube-ing. haahhh -,-". and suddenly i found this words from youtube. buat yg suka nonton korean drama kalo nonton videonya pasti langsung tau ini drama apa. ga nyambung emang ama intro diatas.

"what will you do if
she leaves you in silence?
will you let her be?
or get her back?
her absence is too much to bear
how will you get through with it?
what will you do to not prolong your agony?
will you search for her?"

"leaving the one you love
is not an easy thing to do but
you have to because
it is better for him but
what will you do if
the day you're afraid of will happen?
will you get him back or
let him be happy with the new one?
it really hurts to
watch him so happy but
you're not the reason anymore, right?
how will you deal with it?
how will you accept that
he's not yours anymore?
that he has forgotten about you
about your love for each other?
about your love for him
and how much you miss him
will you end it your way?
or let him go again,
and bid your goodbye finally?"

what do u think, huh? i think that's cool words. hahaha biasanya banyak nih yg ngerasa "oh-it's-really-me" :p
hahaha yaudahlah yaaaa gw mau belajar lagi. mudah2an aja bisa fokus. harus!!!!

-best regards-

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